Dearest Friends......this last week I've had such a great time not doing anything I do usually. My schedule is totally chaotic, unpredictable and spontaneous.......and I'm loving it!!!
My second son , Nathan, from NZ is in from University with 5 friends, yes they are all staying at my home and it is so crazy and so wonderful!!!
Sooooooo my "normal" schedule is up in the air and I am surrendering to this way of being for the next 2 weeks.
I will however be teaching the following before I fly off to the USA for almost 6 weeks...
July 4th at Lotus 8 Yoga Centre: 4:30-8:30. teaching with beautiful Sachiho from Okinawa
July 5th and the 12th at my home: 10am-11:30am
and that my fellow travelers may be it until I return August 24th..................
Wishing you all wondrous wind beneath your wings this summer, breaths filled with in-spiration and joy, unconditional JOY!!!
As always.......Peace to all, Light to all, Light to all.
My Love..........Rebecca