wooooooo.........what a wonderful whirlwind it has been this last month!!! From Hong Kong to Okinawa I have been blessed to share, teach, experience and meet so many open hearted people.
There is so much to share but for now I just want to let you all know my teaching schedule between now and the 14th of July when I go to the USA for 5 weeks.
Monday June 14th and 28th from 10-11:30am at my home.
Tuesday June 15, 22, and 29th from 7-9pm at Shamballah across from West park Cafe in Motoyoyogi.
Wednesday June 23rd and 30th from 7:30-9pm at my home.
Thursday June 24th from 1-2:30pm at my home.
JULY to be announced soon!
Please check out this beautiful workshop I will be sharing with Sachiho on July 4th at Lotus 8.
Please feel free to call me on 080-4070-2012 with any questions.
PEACE TO ALL, LIGHT TO ALL, LOVE TO ALL................Rebecca